
  • Muhammad Arsyad Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang
  • Yan Kondo
  • Amrullah
  • Ahmad Nurul Muttaqin
  • Asnawir
  • Muhammad Ibnul
  • Baso Bayyinul Haq
  • Bintang Fauzan Thamrin


Welding, Work Safety, Personal Protective Equipment, Business Opportunities


Tallo District, which is located in Makassar City, is an area with 15 (fifteen) diverse sub-districts. One of the welding business opportunities is to utilize creativity in designing and producing coffee shop tables and chairs to support culinary businesses around the Rappokalling sub-district, Tallo District. The aim of this activity is to overcome problems faced by partners and achieve output targets that are appropriate to the problems faced. The methods used include various activities, including training, counseling, lectures, discussions, demonstrations, practice, field visits, mentoring, monitoring evaluation, making promotional media and procuring simple welding equipment and its accessories. The implementation of this activity consists of several activities including presentation of material on correct welding methods, presentation of material on the importance of using personal protective equipment (PPE) for welding and light fire extinguishers , presentation of material on workshop management and electric welding training practices. After implementing the activity for Increasing Welding Skills for the Wooden Pajama Youth Group, the partners were able to carry out welding in accordance with applicable standards by using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to maintain Occupational Safety and Health , the completeness of the welding equipment owned by the partners had met the minimum standards required. Required in the welding process include a light fire extinguisher and first aid kit, the installation of nameplates that enable partners to be better known and accessed by potential business actors.


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How to Cite

Muhammad Arsyad, Yan Kondo, Amrullah, Ahmad Nurul Muttaqin, Asnawir, Muhammad Ibnul, Baso Bayyinul Haq, & Bintang Fauzan Thamrin. (2024). PENINGKATAN KETERAMPILAN LAS KELOMPOK PEMUDA PAJAMA KAYU MAKASSAR. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV), 9(3), 682 - 690. Retrieved from