
  • Sonong Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang
  • Dermawan
  • Enny Radjab
  • Muhammad Isrofil


Name, Alley, Welded Gate, Mosque, UWais Al Qarni


Uwais Al Qarni Mosque that is located in Sudiang Raya, Makassar City (South Sulawesi), is currently undergone renovation. The mosque is situated inside an alley which has made the building hidden with no sign available to indicate its existence in the area.  To overcome this problem, there was a need to establish a gate made from welded materials in front of the alley.  The activities began with conducting field observation in the area followed by designing the gate suitable with the alley and the purpose of the gate. Then, the design was visualized in the form of two-dimensional drawing.  Materials and equipment used were prepared. The next steps were to construct and assembly the gate which also including painting and finishing works. After the gate constructed, it was deployed


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How to Cite

Sonong, Dermawan, Enny Radjab, & Muhammad Isrofil. (2024). PEMBUATAN GERBANG MASJID UWAIS AL QARNI. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Inovatif (SENTRINOV), 9(3), 763 - 766. Retrieved from