IKM Magfira, Financial Management, Social Media, Business letters, business poposalAbstract
The purpose of this community services is to provide training related to calculating the cost of production, determining selling prices, prepare financial reports using the excel application, products marketing using social media, making business proposal and business letters.This service was attended by 15 people. The results of community service activities help the 'IKM Magfira' business increase knowledge and expertise regarding abilities and skills in calculating production costs, determining product selling prices, compiling financial reports using Excel applications, increasing partners' ability to find out business profits earned during one year. Regarding product marketing with social media to reach a wider marketing area, the appearance of the product that will be posted is more attractive. Meanwhile, making business letters makes it easier for partners to offer their products to gift shops and supermarkets, then making business proposals helps partners to make proposals for financial assistance to the government and companies that support the development of small and medium businesses. The expected output from this training is increasing knowledge and skills in financial management, marketing products widely using social media and creating business letters and business proposals.
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