crafts, tanimbar weaving, thread winding, Arduino, websiteAbstract
In Tawiri Village, Ambon City, there is a group of weaving craftsmen called JAI-Kampung Pisang which has been in existence weaving tanimbar woven cloth since 2021. The woven cloth made by the JAI-Kampung Pisang group does not use modern tools. , from making thread balls to weaving, so it is quite difficult for this group to produce woven cloth if there is demand in large quantities. Responding to this need, the developer created a production tool in the form of an automatic thread winding tool which can minimize the thread winding process which takes 2-3 hours to produce one ball of thread. An automatic thread winding tool is capable of rolling a ball of thread in less than 30 minutes and apart from that, the number of spools can also be determined by the craftsman. Woven products are marketed through digital applications in the form of websites. The JAI-Kampung Pisang website was created based on digital marketing so that the buying and selling process can be done anywhere.
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