Revitalization, the Canvas method, BUMNeg, training, Technical GuidanceAbstract
The planned community service is carried out to provide solutions for the state-owned enterprise (BUMNeg) AMINATA TUTUHITU Tawiri which has been established since 2015 and has changed management for two periods but has not developed well. The internal management of BUMNeg experienced difficulties in developing business due to various obstacles such as the busyness of the administrators which was the main reason for not focusing on the development of BUMNeg, administratively and financially it has not been managed properly and is still manual even though the State Government has implemented Technical Guidance for BUMNeg Tawiri management but even that does not help business development.The solution provided is in the form of providing knowledge and training for the management of BUMNeg Negeri Tawiri about the Canvas Business Model. The purpose of this activity is The general purpose is so that the administrators of BUMNeg Tawiri and Micro traders can prepare a business plan with the right model for future development. And after the training, participants can understand the Basic Framework of BUMNeg Business Planning with the Canvas business model which is implemented using adult learning methods in the form of lectures, discussions and practices.
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